The house that preserves the traditional form of a house with atrium * is famous for the mosaic with the text CAVE CANEM ("watch out for the dog"), located at the main entrance and now protected with glass. It is accessed from a side entrance that leads directly to the peristyle *. Atrium and tablino * had refined mosaics, specifically that of the scene with actors preparing to act has given name to the house.

A great attention was devoted to the decoration of the room's atmosphere: large pictures of mythological theme with episodes taken from the Iliad, one can still see that of Ariadna abandoned by Theseus; on the opposite wall the "Mercado de los Amorcillos", a very popular theme at the beginning of the 19th century, after the excavations of the house. In the peristyle a small temple * can be noticed. It is the lararium *, present in almost all houses and dedicated to the worship of the Lares and other protective deities of the family. The originals of the mosaics and paintings are preserved in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples.

House of the Tragic Poet
